Whether you are a small or large business, surely marketing is really important. You have to plan it well and use the right tools to make it successful. One of the best and cost effective marketing tools that you can choose to use is poster or banner and poster stand, especially if you are promoting indoors in events like trade shows, festivals, seminars, and more.
What is a Poster Stand?
Before we go further, you need to understand what exactly is a poster stand.
Poster stand is a portable tool that supports banners or posters so that it can be effectively displayed to the target audience or potential customer. This tool is very simple and convenient to use which can be set up by anyone. It is effective in drawing in people and definitely attractive especially with its hard to miss size.
Poster stand is popularly used for indoor events, but there are some types of poster stands that can be used outdoors as well and you need to understand which is good for indoors and which is better for outdoors because the challenges are different.
It is always important to know the location of your promotional or marketing campaign, the size of the event, the traffic flow, and the quantity of poster stands that you need so that you can get the poster stand with the right requirement and specifications for the event.
Retractable Poster Stand
The retractable poster stand is quick to set up and very easy to transport anywhere you want. This convenience makes it one of the most popular posters stand that is often used by many people. If you need to be mobile with your promotional efforts and marketing campaigns, then it is great to choose a retractable poster stand. If you want to enhance the visibility of your retractable poster stand and make the most of it, try to go for a double sided model so that you can make sure that your graphic can be seen from any side. A retractable poster stand simply needs to be retracted to set up and uninstall, and it will automatically display the graphic or slide into a compact case that is easy to carry.
Scrolling Poster Stand
If you want to maximize advertising space without using a big display, then a scrolling poster stand is the one you should consider. The rolling poster stand includes a simple motor that enables the graphic to rotate so that it can display a large amount of text and images from the top to bottom or the other way around. With a rolling poster stand, you can include more information without taking up much space. Not only that it is compact and efficient, but it is also definitely advertising and it can make you stand out more compared to the others.
Trade Show Poster Stand
Poster stands used at trade shows are not much different from the ones used in different venues or occasions. However, with more restrictions in terms of space in trade shows, a more specific poster stand is needed, thus this type of poster stands. You can’t use double sided retractable poster stand in trade shows and you can’t use big sized poster stands as well.